Finding that job you desire and want can be hard work. First, writing that CV that gets your name on the interview list. Then, making the first good impression at the interview, handling those tough questions easily. These skills are something you can learn
This session, is based on many years real life hard won experience. What will be shared is tips and techniques that have got me jobs I wanted. This session is full of practical advice that you to can take away and use in your life. I will share some of the tips and techniques I have used to get roles over our career.
* Creating a CV that gets noticed.
* How to work with recruitment agents.
* What to say when you speak with recruitment agents.
* Ways to get your name to the top of the recruiter's list.
* How to prepare for an interview
* Get some insider tips on how to deal with those difficult interview questions.
* What to say and what not say at an interview.
* First hand advice from someone who has been on both sides of the job interview.
When you leave this session, you have techniques and tips you can use as soon as you leave the session to help you in your search for that role you want.