Session room


Find out more about joining the annual line up of world-class speakers at SQLBits.
SQLBits’ 2025 Call for Speakers will open later this year. You can view 2024’s guidance and key milestones below. If you would like to be kept up to date on speaking opportunities at SQLBits, please sign up to our speakers mailing list.
* indicates required

Speaker Preferences

2024's Speaker Guidance

To ensure a smooth take off, please thoroughly follow the guidelines below. Make sure you select the appropriate option between Training Days and General Sessions. Should you encounter turbulence or have any queries, reach out to us at
For a great read on writing session abstracts, try this piece from Benni De Jagere. Additionally, session selector lead Rob Sewell offers insights on the data from last year’s selections in this blog.

Flight Plan

  • 25th September – Commencement of Call for Papers.
  • 1st November – Call for Papers concludes.
  • 1-14th November – SQLBits Committee selects Training Days.
  • 14th November – Notification for Training Day speakers.
  • 21st November – Content teams finalize General Session selections.
  • 21st November – Deadline for Training Day Session speaker confirmation.
  • 21st November – Notification for General Session speakers.
  • 28th November – Deadline for General Session speaker confirmation.
  • Late December – Agenda release.
  • 1st February – Agenda locked down and passed to Air Traffic Control.

Training Day Sessions

This year, we invite you to lead flight training with sessions in the following categories (please see here for a full break down):
  • Operations
  • Analytics
  • Strategy
  • Delivery
  • Non-Technical
Anticipate an 8-hour flight duration, but with cabin service breaks, ensure 6 to 6.5 hours of active training time. Departure: 09:00 GMT. Arrival: 17:00 GMT.

Landing Fees (Speaker Compensation)

For navigating these skies, the SQLBits Lounge offers Training Day Speakers
  • One nights complimentary accommodation (See below)
  • £2000 guaranteed fee
  • £3000 if more than 50 attendees
  • £5000 if more than 100 attendees
  • Full access to the SQLBits experience.
  • A guaranteed slot for a general session with benefits as below (which include additional nights complimentary accommodation).


  • The Village is included in the complimentary nights
  • The Aviator is available with an upgrade charge per night of
    • £70 Standard room
    • £140 Studio
    • £190 Suite
  • For The Aviator there will be a £25 per night double occupancy charge
  • For The Village there will be a £10 per night double occupancy charge

Subject to availability.

General Sessions

We require sessions of 20, 50, and 100 minutes. On the departure board these are direct flights without breaks (although 100 minute sessions will have the opportunity for a comfort break). Please see the post Introducing the 100 minute Wednesday format for more information.
It’s worth noting that speakers are able to use the 100 minute format to submit multiple complementary sessions that together, create a half or full day of learning on a subject, delivered in sections. (Please do note however that the sessions are considered by the selection committee in their component parts and we cannot guarantee multiple session selections, however it will be taken into account during the selection process.)
General Sessions will be categorised and selected based on themes. A team, headed by a Content Owner, will oversee this process. While the call for papers is open, Content Owners will review submissions and may provide instructive feedback to the contributors. After the submission period ends, the selection team will evaluate each session anonymously, not knowing the identity of the speaker.
Using these evaluations, Content Owners will curate sessions according to themes. Finally, a committee will review and validate the selected sessions. For theme clarity, refer below or email
It is important to place your session in the correct theme, please read the theme descriptions and if you have any doubts or questions, please reach out to

Short Haul Pilot Rewards (General Session Speaker Benefits)

  • For all General Sessions speakers who give one 20 session, we will provide: –
    • One nights complimentary accommodation (See above)
  • For all General Sessions speakers who give one 50 minute session, two 50 minute sessions or one 100 minute session, we will provide: –
    • Two nights complimentary accommodation (See above)
    • Full access to SQLBits from Wednesday to Saturday.
  • For all General Sessions speakers who give more than 100 minutes of sessions (one x 100 minute or two x 50 minute) we will provide: –
    • One extra nights accommodation per extra day speaking (see above)
    • Full access to SQLBits from Wednesday to Saturday.


    • For any additional sessions after the 100 minutes we will pay £250 for every 50 minute session and £500 for every 100 minute session.

Content Themes

Please find below the content themes for 2024.


In the bustling hub of the digital airport, seamless operations ensure every take-off and landing is executed to perfection. This theme is dedicated to those navigating with the fleets of on-premises SQL Server estates, Azure SQL Server Virtual Machine estates, or Azure SQL Databases as well as those who must co-ordinate large-scale data-mesh architecture operations.

This theme will be comprised of topics related to the administration, installation, maintenance, and management of data estates including Performance Tuning as well as topics about data ingestion, transformation, and processing within a large-scale data mesh architecture. Data Factory, Synapse data warehousing, and Synapse Data Engineering will be found in this topic.


In the vast expanse of the digital stratosphere, charting the right course is paramount for a smooth and successful journey. Navigating the pathways of data analytics is crucial for informed decision-making and strategic growth.

We expect this theme to cover topics about extracting insights, enriching datasets, real time analytics, Machine Learning, Data Science and AI. Synapse Data Science and Synapse Real Time Analytics will be found in this topic.


In the intricate airspace of the digital world, ensuring the security and integrity of data is vital. This crucial theme is tailor-made for leaders, managers and technicians navigating the vast expanse of data security and governance.

This theme covers topics such as data protection and the comprehensive protection and ethical management of data both in the cloud and in traditional estates ensuring risk mitigation.

In addition, this theme will include topics for effective and ethical data governance and compliance.

Furthermore, it will contain sessions for leaders of data teams including leadership skills, informed decision-making, and proactive problem resolution for seamless and secure data operations. OneLake and Purview will be found in this topic.


In the expansive airspace of data, ensuring that valuable information is delivered with speed, efficiency, and precision is akin to piloting a jet through the cloud-studded skies. This theme is dedicated to the experts who soar above, ensuring the seamless and efficient delivery of data to its precise destination – whether end-users or applications. As a pilot in this session, you’ll chart a course through the intricate flight paths of data delivery, ensuring your cargo of information reaches its destination on schedule and without delay.

This theme will include topics about Power Bi, data visualisation, and data modelling.



In the vast airspace of the aviation industry, the human element remains the most vital. This theme will navigate the essential aspects of professional and career development, leadership skills, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI), and collaborative communication skills across diverse teams. Much like a well-coordinated flight crew ensuring a smooth and safe flight, these skills ensure the smooth operation and growth of your career and the organisations you are a part of.

Learning Journeys

New for 2024 are SQLBits Learning Journeys, where we will curate sets of sessions targeted specifically at enhancing a particular range of skills, or to help professionals deal with a particular challenge they might be facing in their role.

When preparing your session submissions, we would like you to consider submitting sessions on the following potential Learning Journey long-list titles:

New to Industry Learning Journey; Small Team Data Professional Learning Journey: Leadership in Data Learning Journey: Introduction to Fabric Learning Journey: Power BI Report Delivery Learning Journey: Cloud Architecture Learning Journey: Intro to Power BI Learning Journey: ‘Older’ Tech Learning Journey; DBA Learning Journey; Introduction to AI Learning Journey; Lakehouse End to End Learning Journey; Real-time Analytics Learning Journey; Intermediate SQL Server Learning Journey; Data Analysis and Modelling Learning Journey; Databricks Learning Journey; Real life AI Learning Journey; New Data Engineer Learning Journey; Next-level Data Engineering Learning Journey

Following submission close we will finalise the choice of Learning Journeys from the above list, assign sessions to each and provide a suitable running order.

As a speaker, think of yourself as the captain of a flight through the vast skies of SQL learning, steering your passengers safely to their destination – a heightened understanding and mastery of specific topics.

We are open to more ideas of ways to group sessions to make them useful. Feel free to send ideas to


We pledge a number of commitments to our speakers and expect a number in return; please read on for more details.


The call for speakers form has a section where you can list any requirements that you may need from us to be able to present (such as a wheelchair ramp or a stool as an example) and we will do everything we can to accommodate.

Please feel free to contact us at for any questions about this. Further Accessibility details can be found here.


SQLBits is committed to providing an inclusive, welcoming and harassment free environment for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment in any form.

Speakers New to SQLBits

We aim to provide as much support as is possible for all speakers and for speakers new to SQLBits a little more as Ben explains here.

Speaker Commitments

We will need the slide deck and other content to be sent to us at no later than 7 days before the conference start.

To ensure the best experience for speakers and ensure the event runs as smoothly as possible, we expect all selected speakers to attend virtual on-boarding session prior to the event.

You will confirm that you want to present the selected session by 28th November 2023.

We also ask that you help us in marketing your session at SQLBits. More details about that will be shared after selection.

We ask that you comply with:

  • Our Code of Conduct here.
  • Event Terms and Conditions here.
  • Speaker Terms and Conditions here.

Session Delivery

SQLBits 2024 will be another hybrid event with delegates attending in-person and virtually. We will be able to cater for a few speakers to present remotely.

If, for some reason, we need to run as a fully virtual event, or if you are no longer able to travel we very much hope you will still present your session virtually.

If you opt to present virtually, or you need to present remotely due to a change in circumstances we require a recording of the session in advance. We will be happy to discuss this at