Image of Farnborough ICC from outside

Travel & Accommodation

Help and advice on how to get to SQLBits.

The venue and date for SQLBits 2025 is yet to be announced; come back here when it is to explore our travel and accommodation guidance if you’re planning on joining us!


Accommodation is your home on the go – a comfy space where you rest and recharge during your adventures. Here's our suggestions...

Confirmed speakers can book accommodation through SQLBits – more information will be made available after selection.

Delegates are free to book whatever accommodation they like. Why not check out what has in the area.

The rules around travelling into England are subject to change, so please review the information provided by UK Government. If you are travelling into an airport outside England you will need to locate the regulations for that particular location (England/Northern Ireland/Scotland/Wales details).


Whether you're jetting in from afar or taking a short hop, you can access our venue by air, rail, or road. If you have mobility needs, please do get in touch with us to discuss how we can help get you here.

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Why not use our SQLBits Transport Slack to find a travel buddy?