Erin Stellato
Erin Stellato is a Principal Program Manager on the SQL Tools and Experiences team, helping advance tools that customers use daily with SQL databases. She is passionate about data and chocolate, not always in that order. She previously worked as a consultant and was a Data Platform MVP, and has been an active member of the SQL community as both a volunteer and speaker. Her areas of interest within the engine include Query Store, Extended Events, statistics, and performance tuning; and she also enjoys helping accidental/involuntary DBAs figure out how SQL Server works.
Erin Stellato's Training Days
Finding Problems and Stabilizing Performance with Query StoreSQLBits 2022
In this workshop you'll learn how to leverage Query Store to its full extent - from finding problems, forcing plans, and understanding all the new capabilities it will support in SQL Server 2022.
Performance Tuning with Query Store in SQL Server and AzureSQLBits 2020
We’ll cover Query Store end-to-end in this full day workshop using real-world examples based on customer issues resolved over the last 3 years to help you tune your workload, whether it's on-prem or in the cloud.
Stop Tuning Queries and Start Tuning Your WorkloadSQLBits 2019
A traditional approach to tuning is at the query level, where you address the worst performers one at a time. In this session we will step through tuning at the workload level by identifying anti-patterns and addressing them across sets of queries.
Solving Common Performance Problems Using Query StoreSQLBits 2018
One of the best new features in SQL Server 2016 is Query Store; it’s a game-changer for data professionals. If you're looking to upgrade to SQL Server 2016 or higher, it's essential that you know how to leverage this feature immediately.
Erin Stellato's Sessions
Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization in SQL 2022 ... As Cool as it Sounds?SQLBits 2023
We'll provide a balance perspective of the benefits and limitations of the new Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization feature in SQL 2022 to help you decide if it's right for your environment.
Query Store Best PracticesSQLBits 2023
Want to use Query Store and not sure how to make sure everything is "correct"? Tried Query Store and had issues? In this session we'll cover what you MUST know to successfully use Query Store in a production environment.
Erin & Monica’s Favorite SQL StuffSQLBits 2022
Two consultants, two different companies, two data professionals passionate about performance tuning. Do we like the same things? Do we have the same approach to problems? Topics will include: Trace Flags, DMVs, DBCC commands, Community Scripts and Intelligent Query Processing Features. We will talk about the features and solutions we agree on, and discuss where we disagree.
Options for Proactively Managing Statistics in SQL ServerSQLBits 2022
I often recommend that folks proactively manage statistics, but I always seem to run out of time to talk about HOW to do that...this session will cover exactly that.
Why You Need Query StoreSQLBits 2022
I can spend an entire day talking about Query Store and all it can do, but in 20 minutes I can convince you that it should be a feature you start using today.
Stop Tuning Queries and Start Tuning Your WorkloadSQLBits 2020
This session will discuss how to look at your workload holistically using a variety of methods, so that you can target and address patterns in your code and query plans, rather than troubleshooting one query at a time.
Why You Need Query StoreSQLBits 2020
If you have heard about Query Store but don't know what it can offer, or why you really need it, this session will answer those questions and demonstrate the value of this feature that continues to evolve.
Plan Stability with Automatic Tuning in SQL Server and AzureSQLBits 2019
Automatic Plan Correction is a feature you can use whether you're a pro at performance tuning or just starting with SQL Server. Come to this session to learn how to spend less time fighting fires with this new feature.
Extending your use of Extended EventsSQLBits 2019
If you've been using Extended Events the same way you used to use Trace, you might be wondering if there's more to it. There is! In this session we will explore what else you can do with XE besides capture long-running queries.
Kicking & Screaming: Replacing Profiler with Extended EventsSQLBits 2018
Extended Events was released with SQL Server 2008, and almost 10 years later, many data professionals are still clinging to Profiler. It's time to move forward, and in this session I'll show you how.