SQLBits 2024

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words: The Visual Learner's Introduction to DAX

Unlock the potential of DAX. This session simplifies DAX concepts through engaging visuals. From fundamental DAX elements to mastering measures, understanding context, and thinking in DAX, it's all covered visually. Whether you're a data analyst, business intelligence professional, or data enthusiast, this session will empower you to confidently navigate DAX. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your DAX skills and embark on a visually captivating journey to enhance your data-driven future.
Unlock the power of DAX like never before! Join me for an enlightening session that will revolutionize the way you understand and utilize DAX, all through the lens of visual learning. If you've ever found DAX to be a bit daunting or perplexing, this is the session you can't afford to miss.

In this session I will take you on an immersive journey into the world of DAX, breaking down complex concepts into simple, visually intuitive explanations. DAX is the backbone of Power BI, and understanding it is vital for anyone working with data in the modern age.

This session will encompass a series of critical concepts and practical applications, all presented in a way that caters to visual learners:

Contextual Clarity: DAX is all about context, and we'll demystify the nuances of row context, filter context, and evaluation context through engaging visual examples. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity!

Measure Mastery: Creating powerful measures is key to DAX success. Our session will teach you how to design and optimize measures, and we'll use visual models to make these principles crystal clear.

After attending this session, you'll leave with a newfound confidence in your ability to work with DAX effectively. Whether you're a data analyst, business intelligence professional, or anyone looking to harness the full potential of your data, this session is tailored to enrich your skillset.

Prepare to be engaged, enlightened, and empowered as we embark on this visual journey through DAX.