Kevin Kline
Kevin Kline, a longtime Microsoft SQL Server MVP, is a founder and former president of PASS and the author of "SQL in a Nutshell". He tweets at @kekline and blogs at https://www.sentryone.com/blog/author/kevin-kline.
Migrating an existing on-premises SQL Server application to the cloud can be a daunting task that consists of many complicated steps. In this webinar, our focus is on what is perhaps the MOST important steps of the process – those that lead up to the actual move to the cloud and the immediate aftermath.
The session takes you on a dive deep into the most critical considerations for moving your data and databases into the Azure cloud.
We will cover:
You also see demos and overviews of native features within SQL Server that enable you to move data, as well as show powerful tools that can make data migrations much easier. Join us for this informative session so that you know where the hard work pays off the most!