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SQLBits 2024 runs from Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd March.

The DBA in a hybrid environment


The role of a DBA is evolving in today's hybrid computing landscape, where applications are deployed on both on-premises and within cloud platforms. This training day is specifically designed for DBAs who are required to work in a hybrid environment, where some applications use Platform as a Service databases while others are supported on-premises or on Azure VMs or are in the process of migrating to the cloud.

We will start by covering the basic concept of infrastructure as code. You will learn how to manage your infrastructure through code, allowing you to automate the provisioning, configuration, and management of your SQL Server instances and PaaS services. You will also see how this approach can improve the reliability and consistency of your environment, reduce errors, and increase the efficiency of your operations.

Then we’ll look at how we can also manage our databases through code. Managing changes within source control, and deployments with CI\CD pipelines to ensure consistent environments. We will also discuss monitoring and how to overcome the challenge of monitoring across a hybrid estate.

A common theme throughout the day will be automation tooling, we will look at how you can use GitHub Actions or Azure Functions to automate your workflows and integrate with other tools in your environment. You will learn how to create workflows that trigger when specific events occur, such as a new pull request or a database schema change and automate the execution of scripts or the deployment of changes to your SQL Server instances. This approach will help you streamline your operations, reduce manual intervention, and improve the overall quality of your work.

Overall, this training day will provide you with a comprehensive set of skills to manage your hybrid SQL Server estate. There are many tools for you to add to your toolbox and we’ll show you how to get the most out of your available time and effort, (of course we will talk about dbatools and dbachecks!)

Whether you are a senior or junior DBA, a developer who interacts with SQL Server, an accidental DBA, or someone with DevOps in your job title, this training is for you. You will improve your PowerShell skills for SQL Server and reduce the time you and your team spend administering SQL Server. You do not need any specific equipment or tools for this training, but we recommend bringing something to take notes with. All scripts and slides will be provided to you, and you will have the opportunity to follow along with most of the demos on a machine that can run Docker or with PowerShell v5 or above and a SQL Server 2012 or above instance.
Join us for a wonderful day of PowerShell and SQL, full of demos and useful solutions that you will be able to take back to your workplace.

Learning Objectives

• Equip participants with efficient management skills for hybrid SQL Server estates.
• Enhance automation proficiency to streamline administrative tasks.
• Reduce administrative time through the application of learned skills.
• Tailored for DBAs, developers, accidental DBAs, and those with DevOps responsibilities.

Previous Experience

Participants should have knowledge of SQL Server Administration.

Tech Covered

PowerShell, SQL 2019, Azure SQL Database, Managed Instance, Functions, Excel, Database engine, Move to the cloud, SQL 2022, SQL on Linux, Operations