Matt Gordon
Matt is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has worked with SQL Server since 2000. He is the leader of the Lexington, KY Data Technology Group and a frequent domestic and international community speaker. He's an IDERA ACE alumnus and Redgate Ambassador. His original data professional role was in database development, which quickly evolved into query tuning work that further evolved into being a DBA in the healthcare realm. He has supported several critical systems utilizing SQL Server and managed dozens of 24/7/365 SQL Server implementations. As a consultant, he works with customers large, medium, and small to migrate to the cloud, make their data estate operate efficiently, and find the right tools and solutions within the Microsoft Data Platform.
Matt Gordon's Sessions
Safe Landings: Self-care In A High Intensity Technological WorldSQLBits 2024
The world feels like speeding along faster than the speed of sound. It feels like we all need our own air traffic controller to keep us focused on the right parts of our work, our learning, and our life. If your job role is deemed critical, the stress of all of this seems magnified. How do I know? I've been in those roles and I've led teams who filled those roles. I've been the pilot and I've been the air traffic controller trying to look out for my team and still bring that project in for a safe landing. I've seen what works - and I've seen what doesn't.
Ground to Cloud: Your Migration Success ChecklistSQLBits 2023
Cloud migration projects are often massive projects with sprawling scopes. Don't you want some help sorting through this enormous pile of work? Join an experienced cloud migration consultant for a targeted walkthrough of their cloud migration success checklist so you can make sure your project gets off to a good start and reaches a successful completion.
The Cloud Never Goes Down, Right?SQLBits 2022
In this session, we'll set you on the right path towards high availability and disaster recovery for common data architectures in the cloud by the end of this session.
Troubleshoot and Triage Like a ProSQLBits 2022
Let us walk you through our steps to triage and troubleshoot issues as they come in to make sure things get fixed in the right order at the right time and we all stay sane.
Make A Company Conversational using Azure Cognitive ServicesSQLBits 2020
How can data professionals help a company deliver more personal and prompt communication to customers that are demanding it? Learn how data knowledge and the power of Azure Cognitive Services APIs can make that happen!
Turn Runbooks into Notebooks: ADS for the On-Call DBASQLBits 2020
On-call DBAs have all had that phone call in the middle of the night: "the database is down, fix it now!" Learn how Azure Data Studio notebooks can make our responses faster and more organized so we can get more sleep!
Top 5 Tips to Keep Always On AGs Humming and Users HappySQLBits 2019
Have you wondered what it takes to keep an Always On availability group running and the users and administrators who depend on it happy? From security tips to maintenance advice, come hear about some less than obvious tips that will keep users happy.