Johan Ludvig Brattås
Johan Ludvig Brattås is a director at Deloitte, and a dedicated community guy. He has worked with MS SQL server since late 1999, mostly with BI in one form or another. Since 2015, most of his work has been in the cloud working on data platform services such as Snowflake, Databricks and Synapse.
Combining his passion for MS SQL Server with his passion for sharing knowledge, he started speaking at various events in the SQL Community. This is also a way to give back to the community for all the things he has learned over the years. When not working, Johan Ludvig either spends his time with his kids, playing with new technology or teaching coeliacs how to bake glutenfree food.
Johan Ludvig Brattås's Sessions
Data Mesh - a hot air balloon?SQLBits 2024
Join Johan and Rune as they present arguments from both sides and discuss why Data Mesh is the new way forward… or just the same old stuff in a different wrapping.
Azure IoT from the edge to ADXSQLBits 2023
Learn how powerful the Azure IoT suite is with Digital Twin and Data Explorer with lessons learned from the field.
Building trust in your data. Why data governance is the key to success.SQLBits 2023
Join us to learn why data governance is increasing in popularity and what you need to know about what data governance really is.
Dont cross the streams, a closer look at Stream AnalyticsSQLBits 2018
This session takes a closer look at Azure Stream Analytics, and how you can make it work in your Projects.