SQLBits 2024

Live Power Platform and Fabric Build

A fast, fun, demo filled session showing Power Platform and Fabric working together at their best. The session will include tips and tricks on how to get started, best practices to follow, which elements are ready to use and which are not quite there yet.
Power Platform and Fabric both include low-code features. This means that development can be fast and done by the business. We can come up with an idea and create a proof of concept with some working parts and good plan going forward within days, if not hours. We will include multiple features from the Power Platform and Fabric to solve a real business problem.

In this session we will take a real business problem, of course connected to flight, and work through a quick design and straight into building the solution. The session will include tips and tricks on how to get started, best practices to follow, which elements are ready to use and which are not quite there yet. You will walk away with ideas and links to resources for you to try out the ideas to build your own business solutions.

A fast, fun, demo filled session showing Power Platform and Fabric working together at their best.