SQLBits 2024
Accessibility is for everyone, including you!
In this eye-opening and tongue-in-cheek talk, I'll not only show you ways we, the handicapped people actually helped you!
Believe it or not, but everyone is disabled at some point(s) in their life. I am going to talk about this, how this affects YOU and how accessibility affects your life without you noticing. But have you thought about how people with disabilities have fought for this?
In this eye-opening and tongue-in-cheek talk, I'll not only show you ways we, the handicapped people actually helped you!
Nevertheless, there are still ways how you can help us out so we can keep improving your lives, too.
In this eye-opening and tongue-in-cheek talk, I'll not only show you ways we, the handicapped people actually helped you!
Nevertheless, there are still ways how you can help us out so we can keep improving your lives, too.