SQLBits 2023
Power BI Model Development Best Practices in a Team
The session presents and explains the components required to establish a highly effective team developing Power BI models: Processes, Tools, Deployment Automation, and Documentation. Attendees will be able to take away plenty of proven ideas and patterns, including a source control based development model, a change management system using release pipelines, and a CI/CD setup providing automation at all possible stages. The key focus will be on the right processes to implement within the team.
Power BI projects often start very small, with a single person quickly creating impressive results using Power BI Desktop and a project that is fully contained in a single file. When those early successes are then expected to scale in an enterprise context and to be replicated by a larger team, things get more complicated. There is no obvious scale-out path, particularly with regard to model development.
Mathias, who has been on this exact journey over the past six years, presents the practices he has developed during that time, going from a single contributor beginning to a highly effective team setup. The session covers processes, tools, roles and automation, with a focus on very practical take-aways.
The session presents and explains the components required to establish a highly effective team developing Power BI models: Processes, Tools, Deployment Automation, and Documentation. Attendees will be able to take away plenty of proven ideas and patterns, including a source control based development model, a change management system using release pipelines, and a CI/CD setup providing automation at all possible stages. The key focus will be on the right processes to implement within the team.
In addition to Power BI Desktop, tools covered in the session include Tabular Editor, DAX Studio, and pbi-tools.
Mathias, who has been on this exact journey over the past six years, presents the practices he has developed during that time, going from a single contributor beginning to a highly effective team setup. The session covers processes, tools, roles and automation, with a focus on very practical take-aways.
The session presents and explains the components required to establish a highly effective team developing Power BI models: Processes, Tools, Deployment Automation, and Documentation. Attendees will be able to take away plenty of proven ideas and patterns, including a source control based development model, a change management system using release pipelines, and a CI/CD setup providing automation at all possible stages. The key focus will be on the right processes to implement within the team.
In addition to Power BI Desktop, tools covered in the session include Tabular Editor, DAX Studio, and pbi-tools.