SQLBits 2020
VertiPaq Analyzer crash course
Learn how to read the information provided by VertiPaq Analyzer 2.0 and optimize data models in Power BI, Analysis Services, and Power Pivot.
When you import data in Power BI, Analysis Services, or Power Pivot, you are using an in-memory columnar database called VertiPaq. Knowing how the data is distributed in your model and how it is stored in memory is important to optimize the compression and to analyze any performance issue.
VertiPaq Analyzer 2.0 is a tool integrated in DAX Studio that provides an immediate report of the data distribution and a more detailed analysis of compression and DAX expressions used in the model producing an Excel file that is easy to manage.
Learn how to read the metrics provided by VertiPaq Analyzer in 20 minutes and find how to save memory for your data models.