Advanced SSRS. Find out what you have been missing
Would you like to see examples of advanced SSRS reports that you do not see every day and which are not very easy to build (if you don’t know how) but are very useful for business users?
This session is for people who requests reports and would like to know what SSRS can give and developers who would like to discover new ways to build even more useful reports and find out how to do it (+ find secret expressions that make it happen and algorithms!)
Doing the session within 60minutes is not easy so we will limit it one subject which is known to everyone and is called “project management”.
The reports we will show and discuss are SSRS Gantt Chart using Stephen Few bullet chart (you should not be using it this way!) with “parent-child” structure and heat map with developed by myself colour scaling “secret algorithm”. If we have time we will also try to show a milestone dashboard and at the end do Q&A session where we will dive into the details and reveal all secrets!