A huge thank you to our 2024 delegates for their generosity in supporting our two nominated charities at the event, Momentum in Fitness and Guide Dogs for the Blind. Both charities were in attendance during the week with a brief round up on each as follows:
£8,210 for Momentum in Fitness

Momentum exhibited from Thursday through to Saturday, showcasing the fabulous work they do and hosting fun on-stand target challenges, awarding some delicious Hotel Chocolat Easter Eggs to the winners in prize giving each day. Momentum raised £5,306.47 in donations during the week, which was added to the swag sale and feedback nomination proceeds of £2903.31 for a total of £8,209.78. This will be put towards Project PiamBrown, supporting children and young people with cancer to participate in exercise and physical activity.
Chief Executive Charles Balchin had this to say: “We were (and still are) completely blown away by the support and generosity we received from the community at SQLBits. The conference was admittedly unfamiliar territory for us as a charity, but all feelings of apprehension or uncertainty were quickly quashed once we felt the warm welcome and met all the friendly faces!
It was evident that there was so much thought and consideration given to ensure the inclusion and comfort of all attendees and this is something we really appreciate, given that as a charity we strive to do the same in the world of fitness and physical activity.
The money raised will go a really long way to help us to support individuals and groups in our local community to get more active and experience the vast benefits of physical activity. Thank you again to everyone at SQLBits for such a fantastic experience and for being the most generous and giving community we’ve ever come across!“

£3,938 for Guide Dogs for the Blind
It was a SQLBits first; the Inclusive lounge on Friday and Saturday played host to a number of puppies and retired guide dogs, explaining the work that goes into training these invaluable companions and walking the conference floor with them. A whopping £3,237.09 was raised through the proceeds from the swag sale and the feedback donations as well as collected by the on site team themselves.
Local fundraising group coordinator, Annette Butcher has said “ I really enjoyed the two days, so many friendly and interested people coming to chat which was great PR for Guide Dogs and we collected £700.94 in total over both days, split between Trading Items sold totalling £380.70 and donations of £320.24. The hospitality was great at the event and I shall be expecting no less wherever I go now, I should be so lucky!!”

£2,908 for Hart Voluntary Action
Guy in a Cube chose to support the work of Hart Voluntary Action – 10% of every SQLBits ticket sold using the GIAC code was donated to Hart Voluntary Action in their goal to raise funds to take 25 young carers to the annual Young Carers Festival. A fantastic £2,907.90 was raised towards this project.
Thank you
In total, that’s £15,056 raised thanks to SQLBits delegates. Once again, a huge thank you for your generosity in supporting these important projects; you all rock.