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SQLBits 2024 runs from Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd March.

Total Server Performance Tuning


You`ve been working with SQL Server for a few years, and you`re sick and tired of not being able to understand how it all works.

Every day, you stare at monitoring tool charts and graphs, wait stats, and widgets, and none of it seems to add up.

In this fast paced full day of demos, I`m going to show you how queries interact with your server, and each other.

You`ll discover that concurrency isn`t just about locking and blocking; concurrency is also about hardware.

I`m going to teach you how to diagnose your worst server issues and practical ways to solve them.

Beginner to intermediate experience performance tuning SQL Server. Looking at wait stats, and elements of query plans.
Laptop Required:Yes

  • Software: SSMS and a local SQL Server instance are only required if they want to follow along with demos.
  • Subscriptions: No

Learning Objectives

Previous Experience

Tech Covered

performance, tuning, SQL, SQL Server, Monitoring