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The Agenda

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SQLBits encompasses everything from in-depth technical immersions to the enhancement of valuable soft skills. The full agenda will be announced in the spring; in the meantime check out the timetable and content we cover below.

2024 Training Days

Presenting 2024’s selection of training days, encompassing a deep dive into a range of subjects with some of the best data trainers in the world.

  • 08:00 Registration opens and breakfast served.

  • All training days run simultaneously across the venue from 09:00 – 17:00 with co-ordinated breaks.
  • All training days include regular refreshment breaks and a lunch stop to rest, recharge, and chat to fellow delegates.
  • No evening events planned, but if you’re staying over the night beforehand, why not join us in the Aviator on Monday night to meet the training day speakers for an informal drinks reception.

Dev Ops for Data 101 - Get your database deployed


This seminar covers the core skills to adopting a Dev Ops practice for your database having a Database Lifecycle Management (DLM) process using SQL Server Data tools (SSDT) and other industry tools;
  • Putting your database under source control
  • Testing your database
  • Deploying your database
  • Managing reference/static data
  • Doing this across multiple environments in a release pipeline
This is a hands on lab where you will bring a database and we will get you testing and deploying that database. If you already have started on the DLM journey and are deploying your database from source control, then consider the intermediate session as this will be able to take you to the next level.

Why should I attend
Do you have one or more databases that you want to control. That means being able to
  1. Create the database from scratch
  2. Manage the that database operational including static data
  3. Upgrade that database without manual intervention
Do your developers have continuous integration for code but the database is an afterthought? Do you have to edit upgrade scripts for each environment you run them in? Do your development teams provide upgrade scripts that:
  • don’t work in all environments?
  • don’t take into account production has 1 billion rows?
  • just don’t work full stop
  • need to be run at 1 am
  • would bring down your site if run on production
If any of the above are true, then you need to implement Database Lifecycle Management (DLM), aka Continuous Integration (CI) and Deployment (CD) for databases.

Breakdown of Content
Dev Ops as a practice is a process that when implemented enables you to prevent all the problems described above, by the virtue of controlled, reliable, repeatable set of processes, which if you choose to, can be automated.

We will be looking at the different approaches for managing your database including gold schema and upgrade scripts (migrations). The pros and cons of each and how these interact with common development practices such as NHibernate or Entity Framework. Anyone that’s tried this will attest, its often not as simple as scripting all your database objects and deploying them.

We will cover the common gotchas of the different approaches and will recommend tried and tested solutions for each of them. As well as covering the different stages we will cover the tooling available to you for each stage.

What you will achieve by the end of the day.

An understanding of all the components of DevOps and how Database Lifcycle Management is a part of it and why you need them. You will understand how you can,
  • take your database and put it in source control
  • resolve the common issues with deployment
  • include data in your database schema
  • deploy your database from source control using command line tools
  • automate the deployment using tools such as TFS, VSO and Team City
You will know the tools that you can use at each stage. You will be prepared for the intermediate course


An understanding of TSQL will help your ability to understand the course.

The day will be led by a number of speakers from including Simon Sabin and Simon D'Morias

Learning Objectives

Previous Experience

Tech Covered

SSDT, DevOps