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SQLBits 2024 runs from Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd March.

DAX in a Day


Power BI, Analysis Services Tabular and Excel users can improve their data models with the Data Analysis eXpression (DAX) language. Although this language looks a bit like Excel, many people struggle in writing more advanced DAX expressions.
In this one day workshop the different aspects of DAX are discussed. What are the types used in DAX? How to use DAX for creating calculated columns, tables and mainly measures? A lot of attention goes into the evaluation context: What is row context and filter context? How does context transition and expanded tables relate to this?
A lot of DAX code will be dissected to illustrate these concepts, such that you leave with a better idea of how to use DAX for solving your business needs.

Please note that this is an in-person only session, and is not available to virtual attendees

Learning Objectives

• Understand DAX code evaluation process.
• Explore the influence of row and filter context on code you write.
• Develop skills to write and adapt new DAX calculations from scratch.
• Understand and adapt DAX code that you find online.

Previous Experience

Attendees should be familiar with Power BI data models (Columns, tables, relationships, building reports on top of it), and the basic concepts of star schemas. Prior DAX knowledge is not necessary.

Tech Covered

Power BI, Analytics