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SQLBits 2024 runs from Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd March.

Beyond Relational in SQL Server 2012 and SQL Futures


** Product Team Session **

What do you do about your unstructured data?  A huge amount of data produced today is unstructured.  This day session deals with how we can manage this data effectively and flexibly.  Find out how to use this data efficiently.  The breakdown of the day is as follows:

1.      Taking SQL Server 2012 Beyond Relational: An introduction and overview 

A lot of applications are making use of data that goes beyond the relational table paradigms. In fact, it is estimated that over 80% of the data is now so called unstructured data. SQL Server provides support to manage unstructured and semistructured data and provides rich services over such data. In this introduction, we give an overview on these capabilities and set up the reminder of the Beyond Relational journey.

2.      Taking SQL Server 2012 Beyond Relational: Rich Unstructured Data Management

80% or more of the data produced and stored are so called unstructured documents and are often not stored in the database, but often need to be managed in conjunction with relational data. In order to facilitate the storage and management of unstructured data, SQL Server has evolved from storing blobs to providing a sophisticated integration with the Windows Filesystem and provides rich services over such data to provide an interesting and compelling application development experience. This presentation introduces the new unstructured data processing capabilities of SQL Server 2012 that provide full Windows application-compatible file management over files stored in SQL Server as well as the services to unlock the information in such data such as the extensions and improvements to Full-Text Search and the introduction of semantic similarity search.

3.      Taking SQL Server 2012 Beyond Relational into the World of Spatial Data Management

Many applications today need to be locally aware to provide customer value. SQL Server 2012 has continued its spatial investment to address the next major customer requirements around spatial data support. Thus, this presentation will provide an overview of SQL Server’s spatial support and introduce the new spatial types, capabilities and performance enhancements such as curves and spatial aggregates.

4.      Taking SQL Server 2012 Beyond Relational: Deep Dive into Spatial Performance and Spatial Indexing

Spatial data operations are often expensive. Thus, in order to achieve the required performance and scalability in spatial database applications, we need to define spatial indices. This presentation describes how SQL Server 2008 and 2012 spatial indexes work and gives tips and presents the tools on how to analyze and improve your spatial application's performance even when it needs to scale to large amounts of spatial data. The session assumes a core understanding of the spatial functionality in SQL Server 2008 or later. 

Learning Objectives

Previous Experience

Tech Covered

performance, spatial