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The Agenda

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SQLBits encompasses everything from in-depth technical immersions to the enhancement of valuable soft skills. The full agenda will be announced in the spring; in the meantime check out the timetable and content we cover below.

2024 Training Days

Presenting 2024’s selection of training days, encompassing a deep dive into a range of subjects with some of the best data trainers in the world.

  • 08:00 Registration opens and breakfast served.

  • All training days run simultaneously across the venue from 09:00 – 17:00 with co-ordinated breaks.
  • All training days include regular refreshment breaks and a lunch stop to rest, recharge, and chat to fellow delegates.
  • No evening events planned, but if you’re staying over the night beforehand, why not join us in the Aviator on Monday night to meet the training day speakers for an informal drinks reception.

AlmostOn: An Expert’s Guide to Troubleshooting FCIs and AGs


Server down situations are stressful for everyone. Tempers flare and every second counts as you struggle to get things get things running again. Highly available SQL Server architectures are not infallible; they can experience and sometimes even cause outages – especially if they are not implemented properly. Troubleshooting clustered instances (FCIs) and availability groups (AGs) is not only something anyone who deploys these features should have, but a difficult skillset to acquire since these features are tightly coupled solutions utilizing a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC), networking, Active Directory, DNS, and more. DBAs are not always aware of these dependencies, nor do they usually have access to them or know when they are altered. Unfortunately, most availability issues with FCIs and AGs can rarely be fixed by only concentrating on SQL Server itself.

This full day preconference taught by Microsoft High Availability MVP Allan Hirt will teach you how to approach and deal with problems related to the different clustered configurations of SQL Server whether they are FCIs or AGs. Topics include:
  • Learning about the tools and utilities you have at your fingertips (including logs such as the WSFC log) for diagnosing, and tips on how, when, and where to use them
  • Common real world problems you may encounter
  • How to avoid problems by planning and implementing clustered SQL Server configurations properly
  • Ensuring your quorum configuration is optimal to guarantee uptime and not cause downtime
  • Determining go/no go points and when you should force quorum or do something more radical

If you are supporting FCIs or AGs, this session is one you should attend so you can always be the hero … or at least sleep better at night.

Learning Objectives

Previous Experience

Tech Covered

high availability