Tracy Boggiano
Tracy, a Database Architect with Sound Physicians, juggles SQL queries and civic responsibilities with the flair of a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. When she isn't busy exchanging banter with databases, Tracy amplifies her impact in the real world. Her dedication to the NC Guardian ad Litem program since 2003 has been louder than any keynote speech, providing a voice for the voiceless foster children. SQL Server might be her day job, but it's clear that her heart beats for these kids. She's not just a member but an active voice on several councils and boards, defending those with mental illness and foster families. A Day in the Life of Tracy: from data architect to architect of change!
Tracy Boggiano's Sessions
How Leaders Can Support Their Employee’s Mental HealthSQLBits 2023
Sometimes as leaders it's hard to know how to address the topic of of a an employee's mental health. Come to this session for come practical, straightforward strategies to be used to address a very difficult topic.
How To Get the Auditors Off Your Butt with dbachecksSQLBits 2023
Auditors are not fun to deal with and proving your systems meet requirements is a PITA. Come to this session to learn how to leverage dbachecks to check your SQL Servers for security compliance.