Thomas Hütter
Thomas holds a degree in Business Economics, but has been a data explorer and a developer at heart ever since the days of dBase and Turbo Pascal. He touched his first SQL Server at V6.5 and used covering indexes before they became a feature.
Thomas has been developing in Navision/Dynamics/Business Central systems for quite some time (since 2001, one year before MS acquired Navision), joined PASS in 2006, got his hands on R in 2014 (the year before MS bought Revolution Analytics) and on the Power Platform from 2020 on. He has worked for ISVs as well as end-user companies, as a developer, consultant, accidental data engineer and is an author for data-related articles as well as a speaker at data events across Europe.
Thomas Hütter's Sessions
A journey through the TidyverseSQLBits 2020
An introduction to the philosophy of tidy data and the collection of R packages called Tidyverse that help to treat your data appropriately. Including lots of demos from ingesting to cleaning to visualizing your data.
An R primer for SQL folksSQLBits 2019
A walk-through on what is possible analyzing your data with the "R" language.
50 ways to show your dataSQLBits 2018
„A picture is worth a thousand words“ - compelling visualizations beyond the usual bar, line or scatter plots, produced with the help of the ggplot2 package and friends.