Stacia Varga
Stacia Varga has specialized in analytical solutions since 1999. During that time, she has authored or coauthored multiple technical books and articles and has produced many video courses available through Pluralsight. She has been a frequent speaker at conferences serving the SQL Server community worldwide. Stacia provides consulting and custom education services for business intelligence and analytics through Data Inspirations, which she founded in 2006. She holds a BA in Social Sciences from Washington State University.
Stacia Varga's Training Days
Secure Business Intelligence from the Inside OutSQLBits 2017
How well do your BI development practices protect your data? In this workshop, you learn where the potential risks of a data breach are lurking in your BI solutions and the steps you can take to mitigate those risks.
A 360-Degree View of SQL Server 2012 Business IntelligenceSQLBits 2012
In this session, we’ll take a holistic look at the BI features in the latest version of SQL Server by reviewing the architecture requirements, exploring the implications for existing BI applications, and introducing new capabilities.
Stacia Varga's Sessions
Getting Your Story Straight with Data VisualizationsSQLBits 2017
Choosing the wrong visualization can obscure the story - or worse yet, distort it! In this session, learn the vocabulary of data visualization and how to apply grammar (visualization design principles) to your data.
Building a BI Performance Monitoring SolutionSQLBits 2014
Learn how to use performance counters, report execution log data, and trace files to troubleshoot performance problems. Learn how to set up a monitoring solution to capture data and diagnose slow queries.
So How Does BI Workload Impact the Database Engine? Part ISQLBits 2012
In this first of two sessions, we review the architecture of SQL Server and its BI components and deployment options for optimal performance. We'll also discuss how to optimize data warehouse load operations.