Sandip Pani
Sandip Pani is a data architect, an eminent speaker, blogger from Bangalore, India. He has been working on various data platform over 15 years and is MCITP Certified. He specializes in data modeling, data pipeline, data preparation, query tuning and performance troubleshooting. Currently working as Principal Engineer for NextGen Healthcare and is quite active in Data community world. He shares and enhance his knowledge of Data, database, AI/ML by spending time at newsgroups and forums, speaking at conferences. He was a Speaker at SQLBits XI – Nottingham, SQLBits XIV – London, SQLBits XX and SSGAG 16, DPS 17, DPS (2018, 2019) , DPVS 2021. He is a regular speaker at DataPlatformGeeks (formerly known as SQLServerGeeks) Meet-Up and Data Platform Day events. He also leads the User Group in DataplatformGeeks and Regional mentor of DPG. He believes 90% of the problem can be solved in this world if correct data is available. His goal is to understand different data related issues in depth, utilize that knowledge in his job and share the experience with the data community.
Sandip Pani's Sessions
Art of Feature Engineering- For Machine LearningSQLBits 2020
The most challenging area of machine learning are Data acquisition, Feature extraction, Feature Selection. Almost in all data science project, 80% of time people spend in Data acquisition and Feature engineering.
My top 5 new features in SQL Server 2014SQLBits 2015
SQL server 2014 is one of their measure releases. Where Microsoft has done a superb job. There are so many enhancement we have in SQL Server 2014. In my session I will show you my top 5 features.
New Analytic Functions in SQL server 2012SQLBits 2013
There are new functions introduces with the release of MS-SQL Server 2012. To perform analytic operation in T-SQL , this time Microsoft has added couple of very handy functions.