Sander Stad
Sander is a SQL Server DBA with over 20 years of experience in IT. He has worked with SQL Server since version 2000 and is a Microsoft MVP.
He is a huge PowerShell enthusiast and will try to automate processes as much as possible.
Sander Stad's Training Days
Professional Azure DevOps for the real-worldSQLBits 2022
In this customized training day Data Platform professionals will be prepared to use Azure DevOps in the real-world.
Sander Stad's Sessions
Streamlining Power BI with PowerShellSQLBits 2024
Power BI is a vital tool for data analytics, but managing workspaces, access, and data sets manually can be time-consuming and error-prone.
This session explores how PowerShell automation simplifies and streamlines these tasks.
Saying no is OKSQLBits 2024
In the high-demand IT field, professionals often struggle with overcommitment and work-life balance. This presentation, "Saying No is OK," offers practical insights and strategies for IT professionals to assertively manage their workload and protect their well-being. Learn the art of saying no, how to prioritize, and maintain professionalism while achieving a healthier work-life balance. Join us for a transformative session that will empower you to succeed while setting necessary boundaries.
Unveiling the magic of CI/CD for SQL Server using GitHub ActionsSQLBits 2023
In this expert session we unveil the magic of CI/CD for SQL Server updates using GitHub Actions.
Github and Azure DevOps Duet - SQLBits editionSQLBits 2022
A tale about how a development team and an operations team must bond together and figure out how to use GitHub and Azure DevOps together for Data Platform deployments.
Battle tested project planning with Azure Devops boardsSQLBits 2020
Azure boards within Azure DevOps give you the capability to organise your project and analyse the it’s progress. Do you want your manager to stop bugging you about your project’s progress, come to this session?
Start to See With tSQLtSQLBits 2020
Unit testing with databases is fairly new and is not yet embraced within database development.
We'll learn how we can implement setup a database project, implement basic unit testing with tSQLt
Solving the dev DB problem with Docker and dbacloneSQLBits 2020
Shared dev databases have a disastrous effect on quality and throughput. However, moving to self-service dev/test databases is hard due to storage and data privacy concerns. The solution? Docker and dbaclone.