Richie Lee
Richie is a man of many hats (and shoes), both literally and figuratively: he has worked in many different roles from software tester, developer, DBA and TFS Administrator. When not running to and from work he can be found at home, probably playing Pokémon Go.
Richie Lee's Sessions
What Playing Minecraft Taught Me About DevOpsSQLBits 2023
Both Minecraft and Devops are phenomena from the early 2010s that have stood the test of time. But what can we learn from the sandbox-based video game Minecraft that can be applied to a set of practices for software development? By the end of this session I hope you have an appreciation of both DevOps and Mincraft!
How To Use Azure Managed IdentitiesSQLBits 2022
Let's be honest; dealing with Keys for Azure Service Principal can be a pain. Fortunately Azure Active Identity has an Identity type called Managed Identity that we can assign to a resource and make use of that for authorisation. We will discuss the beneifts of using Managed Identities in Azure to authorise resources without having to use Service Principals.