Pam Lahoud
Pam Lahoud is a Program Manager in Azure Data, based in Redmond, WA, USA. She has been with Microsoft since 2006 and is currently responsible for Program Management of database engine features for in-market and vNext versions of SQL Server, with a special focus on the Storage Engine area and SQL Server in Azure VM. She is passionate about SQL Server performance and has focused on performance tuning and optimization, particularly from the developer perspective, throughout her career. She is a SQL 2008 MCM with over 20 years of experience working with SQL Server.
Pam Lahoud's Sessions
SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machine ReimaginedSQLBits 2022
In this session, we will cover topics such as the different virtual machine types that are most appropriate for SQL Server workloads (including the new Ebdsv5 series), configuring storage, and features unique to Azure such as host caching and write acceleration that can help boost your performance without breaking the bank.
AMA with the Microsoft Engineering team hosted by Bob WardSQLBits 2022
Come get your questions answered live on stage by members of the Microsoft engineering team. This will be a fun and interactive session hosted by Bob Ward. We will take questions live from the audience plus those who are connected virtually.
SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machine – Configuring for price-performanceSQLBits 2022
In this session, we will cover topics such as the different virtual machine types that are most appropriate for SQL Server workloads (including the new Ebdsv5 series), configuring storage, and features unique to Azure such as host caching and write acceleration that can help boost your performance without breaking the bank.
SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines reimaginedSQLBits 2020
In this session, we will discuss new features recently announced for SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines.