James Dales
Having previously led the Power BI and Microsoft Fabric capabilities at both UK and global level for a large multi-national Microsoft consultancy, James has recently established a new, ambitious data company Tekantis, enabling him to focus on geospatial analytics and data products.
James is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and is the co-leader of the London Fabric and Power BI user group. In 2019 he became the first member of the Power BI Contributors Program, working alongside the Microsoft engineering team to build new functionality into the Power BI product codebase. He has a keen interest in geospatial and real-time analytics and is the author of the Icon Map and Icon Map Pro custom visuals.
James Dales's Sessions
Scanning the skies above SQLBits - Realtime streaming of flight data with Microsoft FabricSQLBits 2024
Using the real-time analytics capabilities of Microsoft Fabric we'll stream aircraft transponder data via a Raspberry PI and antenna into Microsoft Fabric. Through an end-to-end demo, we'll use Eventstream and KQL database to ingest the current locations of 100s of aircraft as they fly above the SQLBits venue. We'll then display and analyse these aircraft in Power BI, and use KQL DB's powerful spatial functions to determine the which parts of the area experience the most amount of air traffic.
Power BI Map Magic - Make amazing maps with Power BISQLBits 2022
Liven up your Power BI reports with spatial analytics. Which visuals fit best for different map types with a deep dive of more advanced mapping themes.