Denny Cherry
Denny Cherry is the owner and principal consultant for Denny Cherry & Associates Consulting and has over a decade of experience working with platforms such as Microsoft SQL Server, Hyper-V, vSphere, and Enterprise Storage solutions. Denny’s areas of technical expertise include system architecture, performance tuning, security, replication, and troubleshooting. Denny currently holds several Microsoft Certifications related to SQL Server 2000 through 2017, including the MCM and MVP.
Denny Cherry's Training Days
Database Administration for the Non Database AdministratorSQLBits 2017
In this session we will be learning about how Microsoft SQL Server works and what needs to be done to keep it up and running smoothly when you don't have a full time database administrator on staff to help you keep it running.
DBA 2.0--How to Advance Your Career in a Changing LandscapeSQLBits 2016
Some DBAs live in fear of new technologies such as cloud computing and server virtualization. The future will not be kind to their careers. To be successful in modern IT, the Database Administrator needs to understand the full stack.
Storage and Virtualisation for DBAsSQLBits 2015
This session will be a two part session in which we will be focusing on two of the biggest topics in the DBA field. How to properly design your SAN storage solution and how to properly design your virtualization solution.
Storage and Virtualisation for DBAsSQLBits 2015
This session will be a two part session in which we will be focusing on two of the biggest topics in the DBA field. How to properly design your SAN storage solution and how to properly design your virtualization solution.
Storage and Virtualisation for DBAsSQLBits 2015
This session will be a two part session in which we will be focusing on two of the biggest topics in the DBA field. How to properly design your SAN storage solution and how to properly design your virtualization solution.
Storage and Virtualisation for DBAsSQLBits 2015
This session will be a two part session in which we will be focusing on two of the biggest topics in the DBA field. How to properly design your SAN storage solution and how to properly design your virtualization solution.
Storage and Virtualisation for DBAsSQLBits 2015
This session will be a two part session in which we will be focusing on two of the biggest topics in the DBA field. How to properly design your SAN storage solution and how to properly design your virtualization solution.
Storage and Virtualisation for DBAsSQLBits 2015
This session will be a two part session in which we will be focusing on two of the biggest topics in the DBA field. How to properly design your SAN storage solution and how to properly design your virtualization solution.
Storage For the DBASQLBits 2012
One of the biggest issues in database performance is around storage. It’s also one of the hardest places to troubleshoot performance issues because storage engineers and database administrators often do not speak the same language.
Denny Cherry's Sessions
Things You Should Never Do In Microsoft SQL ServerSQLBits 2017
In this fun session we'll review a bunch of problem implementations that have been seen in the real world. Most importantly we will look at why these implementations went horribly wrong so that we can learn from them and never repeat these mistakes.
How to decide if your database is a good candidate for VirtuSQLBits 2015
We’ll be looking into the pros and cons of moving SQL Servers into a virtual server environment. Specifically we’ll be looking into when it’s a good idea and when it’s probably not a good idea. Like all problems in the database world there are no h
Indexing InternalsSQLBits 2015
In this session we'll dig into the internal structures of indexes. We will explore the differences between clustered and non-clustered indexes, what's laid out within each page of the indexes.
Reading the SQL Server Execution PlanSQLBits 2015
In this session we'll explain what the SQL Execution plan is, how the SQL Server generates it, and how to read the output.
I've Got A SQL Database, Now What?SQLBits 2014
So you are a developer or a systems admin and you've just been handed a SQL Server database and you've got no idea what to do with it. I've got some of the answers here in this session for you.
Using SQL Servers AlwaysOn Availability GroupsSQLBits 2014
In this session we will look at the features which are provided with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and 2014 as part of the "AlwaysOn" features including site to site configurations to allow of a large scale high availability solution.
Optimizing SQL Server Performance in a Virtual EnvironmentSQLBits 2013
In this session we'll look over some of the things which you should be looking at within your virtual environment to ensure that you are getting the performance out of it that you should be.
Using SQL Server 2012s Always OnSQLBits 2013
In this session we will look at the features which are provided with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 as part of the "AlwaysOn" features including site to site configurations to allow of a large scale high availability solution.
Using SQL Server 2012s Always OnSQLBits 2012
In this session we will look at the features which are provided with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 as part of the "Always On" features including site to site configurations to allow of a large scale high availability solution.
Deciding if Virtualization is a good choice for your serversSQLBits 2012
We’ll be looking into the pros and cons of moving SQL Servers into a virtual server environment. Specifically we’ll be looking into when it’s a good idea and when it’s probably not a good idea.