Davide Mauri
Azure Data Platform MVP for 12 years in a row, now Product Manager in Azure SQL team, focusing on developer experience. Developer at heart, heavy metal lover; once a biker, now waiting for kids to grow old to start to travel the world again.
Davide Mauri's Training Days
Azure SQL and SQL Server for Developers - Immersion WorkshopSQLBits 2023
Going "back to basics" and learn everything you need to know to use Azure SQL and SQL Server at their best and make them a jumpstart for your carreer
Build Serverless, Full Stack Applications Including IoT with Azure SQLSQLBits 2022
Join the Azure SQL Product Group to learn how developing apps with modern database capabilities, CI/CD and DevOps, backend API development, and IoT becomes easier, more efficient, and more scalable with Azure SQL Database. This day long hands-on workshop will focus on two real world scenarios that you can modify for your projects.
Davide Mauri's Sessions
The 10 things every developer must absolutely know about Azure SQLSQLBits 2023
The engine powering Azure SQL and SQL Server databases has been around for 30 years and has evolved a lot during that time. In this session we'll see many of this "little" but yet incredibly useful features and knowledge bits, with a lot of demos and a lot of lateral thinking.
My application is fully concurrent and async. What about the database?SQLBits 2023
Let's look at how concurrency works inside the database. If you want to create a truly scalable solution, this knowledge is needed as much as knowledge about threads and synchronization mechanisms in your favorite language.
Jamstack Foundations: Building Scalable API from the Ground UpSQLBits 2022
In this session, we'll see an end-to-end demo of how we can build a Jamstack site in Azure, using Azure Static Web Apps and Azure Functions, and taking advantage of well-known and less known features of Azure SQL that will make you – the developer – productive and efficient as never before. From Graph Models to JSON, from REST to GraphQL, this code-heavy demo packed session will show all you need to build end-to-end modern, scalable, solutions. CI/CD included.
Practical Azure SQL for the Modern DeveloperSQLBits 2020
Come learn how to take advantage of everything Azure SQL can offer to a developer
Temporal Snapshot Fact TableSQLBits 2012
Snapshots without snapshots...is that possible? Take a "Classic" snapshot fact table, add some temporal data theory and you'll get a new fact table than can store snapshot data without doing snapshots. A life saver when you have a lot of data.