Speaker Terms and Conditions

Additional T&Cs that all speakers need to agree to abide by.

As a speaker, you agree to:

1.1 Provide slide deck no later than seven days before the session, in order that attendees can be prepared for your session. 

    1.2 Ensure content passes accessibility guidelines. 

    1.3 Present yourself to the Speaker Liaison team at the Help Desk on day you are speaking at least one hour before your session. 

        1.4 Attend at least one virtual on boarding session hosted before the event. 

          1.5 Other than in exceptional circumstances, provide SQLBits with reasonable notice of cancellation or reason that the training day cannot go ahead. 

            2. Abide by the Event Code of Conduct 

              3. Direct all communication with SQLBits to: speakers@sqlbits.com 

                4. Not advertise or sell your services as follows: 

                  4.1 You may describe who you are and what you or your company does at the start of the session (day in the case of training days.) 

                    4.2 You are allowed to brand your slides, demos and wear branded clothing.  

                      4.3 No other display of your company is allowed, including but not limited to banners, flyers, pop up stands, giveaways.  

                        4.4 If it is found that you are advertising and/or selling services during the delivery of the sessions SQLBits retains the right to remove you from the event. In the event of a training day SQLBits retains the right to reduce or withhold the payment for the training day. 

                          If you do wish to partake in any of these then contact our sponsorship team sponsors@sqlbits.com

                          Rights to Content 

                          5.1 You warrant that any session you submit is your own work, or that you have full permission to submit and subsequently present the session, as well as to allow publication and promotion of all materials as detailed below. You confirm that you have any license that is required to present. 

                            5.2 You understand that SQLBits may record the sessions and the conference proceedings.  

                              5.3 You give SQLBits permission to duplicate and redistribute the recording of this session; this includes, but is not limited to, the conference proceedings, video or audio recordings, and on-line publishing. Training days may only be distributed online via streaming on the day of the training day and only to those that have registered.  

                                5.4 In addition you give SQLBits non-exclusive rights to publish indefinitely and redistribute my presentation and any other files you submit in relation to the session. 

                                  SQLBits will provide

                                  6.1 a hotel allowance for the primary speaker as follows: 

                                  1. one night hotel allowance for each day speaking plus one extra night. 
                                  2. allowance must be booked using SQLBits booking system. 
                                  3. booking must be made within the deadline specified at the time of being notified to speak to guarantee availability. 
                                  4. bookings made after the deadline will be subject to remaining availability. 
                                  5. extra nights may be purchased subject to availability. 
                                  6. allowance is not transferable to any other hotel. 

                                  6.2 secondary speakers do not receive any hotel allowance. 

                                    7.1 access to the conference as follows: 

                                      7.2 all speakers get access to the free Saturday. 

                                        7.3 all speakers get access to the evening networking events. 

                                          7.4 the primary speaker will have: 

                                            1. access to the conference on each day of speaking. 
                                            2. access on an additional paid day. 

                                            7.5 the secondary speakers will have access on the day they are speaking. 

                                                Payments – Training Day Speaker payments will be made as follows:

                                                8.1 £2000 for the first 30 delegates. 

                                                    8.2 £60 /delegate after the first 30. 

                                                      8.3 Delegate numbers will be determined by the number of delegates in attendance of the training day after the first morning break. 

                                                        8.4 Payment will be made via bank transfer within one month of the event. The cost of sending the monies will be covered by SQLBits, but any additional fees charged by the receiving bank are not covered. To minimise receiving fees or conversion charges, payments can be sent in most currencies. Where non-pound sterling payments are made, the payment amount will be pound sterling equivalent as determined by our bank or payment processor at the time of payment. 

                                                          9. Payment is not permitted to Microsoft speakers.