Mikey Bronowski
What do I do? I select, I select stars!
Data enthusiast with a mathematics background. Working with SQL Server for over 15 years. Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer with a couple of certificates sharing knowledge. Blogger at (bronowski.it).
Not long ago Poland Data Community member, now proud UK Data Platform active member and SotonDataCloud.org leader.
When not working or teaching, learns new things or attends various data/technical conferences and meetups.
Italian Calcio fan and traveller, amateur photographer catching anything that moves.
Mikey Bronowski's Sessions
AutomatedLab 101 in 1200 seconds or lessSQLBits 2023
Introduction to AutomatedLab PowerShell module that enables you to set up test and lab environments on Hyper-v or Azure in seconds.
Automate management tasks using elastic jobs in Azure SQL DatabaseSQLBits 2022
Introduction to Azure Elastic jobs