Aaron Bertrand
Aaron (@AaronBertrand) is a Product Evangelist at SentryOne with industry experience dating back to Classic ASP and SQL Server 6.5. He is editor-in-chief of the performance-related blog, SQLPerformance.com, and serves as a moderator for Q & A sites answers.SQLPerformance.com and dba.stackexchange.com.
Aaron Bertrand's Training Days
Become a Better SQL Server DeveloperSQLBits 2017
In this full-day seminar, you will gain core knowledge about how SQL Server works, along with a host of information covering memory usage, the optimizer, indexes, statistics, and table design.
Aaron Bertrand's Sessions
New T-SQL Capabilities in SQL Server 2016 & v.NextSQLBits 2017
Discover the ins and outs of some of the newest capabilities of our favorite data language, and walk away with a long list of reasons to consider upgrading to the latest version - or the next version.
T-SQL : Bad Habits & Best PracticesSQLBits 2015
Come learn how bad habits develop, what kind of problems they can lead to, and how you can avoid them - leading to more efficient code, a more productive work environment, and - in a lot of cases – both.
Five Ways to Write More Effective TriggersSQLBits 2015
Many triggers are inefficient and violate best practices, but it doesn't have to be this way.
Join this session and learn how to improve your triggers and keep them off the list of potential scapegoats for your SQL Server performance woes.
Practical T-SQL Tips & Tricks to coding problemsSQLBits 2015
In this demo-packed session, you’ll learn practical tips and tricks for SQL code tuning from experienced SQL Server MVPs Aaron Bertrand and Kevin Kline as they walk you through some of the most problematic and troublesome SQL coding problems.
T-SQL : Bad Habits & Best PracticesSQLBits 2014
Come to this session to learn how bad habits develop, the problems they lead to, and how you can avoid them.
T-SQL : Bad Habits & Best PracticesSQLBits 2013
This session will cover a collection of minor bad habits that can occasionally lead to major problems, and a set of best practices that you should always have in mind.
Whats new in SQL Server "Denali"?SQLBits 2011
This presentation will cover all of the new engine and tools features coming our way in the next major version of SQL Server.
T-SQL : Bad Habits to KickSQLBits 2011
This session will explore a handful of T-SQL practices - why they happen, why they're bad, and how we can work around them.