Barney Lawrence
Barney Lawrence has over a decade's experience helping people make the most of their data on the Microsoft data platform.
Having moved from the guy who knows Excel, to Data Analyst, to Accidental BI Developer and finally to Actual BI Developer, he currently works as a Senior Consultant for Simpson Associates focussing on local government and health data.
Barney Lawrence's Sessions
What's What and Who's Who? Cross System Record Linkage with FabricSQLBits 2025
An introduction to cross system record linkage using notebooks, covering both theory and practice
Get started connecting your Tom, Dick, and Harries to your Thom, Dirk, and Harriets using the probabilistic matching library Splink.
One SKU, Two SKU, Old SKU, New SKUSQLBits 2025
Those guys from Seattle made a service called Fabric.
It does lots with data and we all think it's magic.
But there are some aspects where people often get lost.
For example, when asking "How much will it cost?"
We'll share with you demos and share with our voice,
So you have the tools to make a good choice.
Data Linkage Options: MDM vs Splink (PySpark)SQLBits 2024
Comparison of various data linkage solutions.
The Metadata Driven Data WarehouseSQLBits 2023
Tired of writing the same old Insert/Update/Delete statements over and over? Is your pipelines folder overflowing? Need to get your new data warehouse up and running as fast as possible?
Metadata (data about data) comes to the rescue and in this session we’ll show you how.
DAX as Dance-Contexts ExplainedSQLBits 2020
Dance your way to an understanding row and filter contexts in DAX.