What To Do During Conference Downtime?

SQLBits withdrawals? Here’s how to stay fired up!

1. User Groups: Miss the learning buzz? Local user groups offer deep dives and skill-building. Plus, many replay SQLBits sessions! Learn, network, and maybe even chat with a speaker. You can find a bunch of groups here, or over on MeetUp. These are hosted by the community, for the community, either virtually or in person.

2. Video binge: Did you miss a session or two? No worries! Catch up on the amazing SQLBits content online (coming very soon to YouTube!). Re-watch favorites, see what you missed, or relive your friend’s epic presentation. You can also pick and choose from our huge archive of videos going back years! (P.S. The keynote might’ve some cool announcements…)

3. Blog it out: Share your SQLBits experience. Write a blog about what you learned, unique insights, or even things you missed (helping others avoid the same fate). Bonus: inspire others to start blogging themselves too. Here’s a list of some 2024 blogs that were written:

– Enjin – SQLbits 2024 – The Best Bits
– DBAKevlar – SQLBits 2024- It’s Not Just a Wrap, It’s the Whole Burrito!
– Data on Wheels – SQLBits 2024 Recap
– Purple Frog Systems – SQLBits 2024: Learning about people at a technical event
– Justin Bird – My experience helping at SQLBits 2024 in Farnborough

4. Deciphering your notes: Don’t let your conference notes turn into a mystery! Take an hour to type them up or share them with others while things are fresh. Re-watch a session if needed to jog your memory. This will turn those scribbles into a goldmine of future reference!

5. Dreaming of being a speaker? Feeling inspired by the talks? Why not become a speaker yourself? Start crafting your own session proposal! Get a head start on perfecting your knowledge, slides, and title before the call opens. If you want some guidance, visit our speak page!

7. Stay connected: Made some friends at SQLBits? Don’t let those connections fade. Reach out and reconnect with your conference buddies. A quick “Hey, how’s it going?” can keep those friendships strong and unlock a handful of opportunities.

8. Recharge and refresh: Remember, you’ve got to look after yourself too. Take some well-deserved time to relax after all that learning. Then, come back feeling refreshed and ready to conquer new challenges!

Feeling motivated to keep learning new data tech? Share your post-conference tips in a blog or tweet and tag us using @SQLBits or #SQLBits.