SQLBits 2023

To be resilient; banish the dragons in a world of ever increasing cyberthreats

Tomorrow you will lose access to everything. Not just you, but the entire organisation. Customers too. What happens next? This session demonstrates why Quest is the #1 Microsoft Co-sell partner. End-to-end set of solutions for the Microsoft Stack, including Zero Trust, Microsoft environment security and auditing, backup and recovery (incl. M365 backup), fast data recovery from ransomware attack, Endpoint Protection, automation, SQL Server auditing, metadata management, data governance, data quality, data lineage and visibility, data availability, and more.
Tomorrow you will lose access to everything. Not just you, but the entire organisation. Customers too. What happens next?
Did you know that every 11 seconds a business will fall victim to another ransomware attack? The attempts to restore the recent FAA system outage was hampered by corrupt files in the database and backup. Being resilient is the ability to provide a service despite a threat.
In most organizations, IT resilience has focused on availability and up-time. The truth is true IT resilience starts with having controls and systems over those identities and users who should have access to your data, your infrastructure and your systems.
This is why Quest is the #1 Microsoft Co-Sell Partner.
Michael will describe an end-to-end solution brief that includes Zero Trust, Microsoft environment security and auditing, backup and recovery (incl. M365 backup), fast data recovery from ransomware attack, Endpoint Protection, automation, SQL Server auditing, data governance, data quality, data integrity, and data availability.