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SQLBits 2024 runs from Tuesday 19th – Saturday 23rd March.

The Data Analysts Toolkit: Microsoft Power BI & R


The takeaways will focus on:
Module 1: Introduction to Data Visualisation and Dashboarding Theory
In this module, we will look at an overview of theory and scientific evidence about data visualisation. Understanding the 'why' can help to make us better at the 'how', regardless of the technology.We will also look at an overview of the Power BI suite of tools.

Module 2: Introduction to R for Business Analysis
In this module, we will look at an overview of R for business analysis and data analysis. We will look at its most commonly used features for implementing statistical and data analysis.

Module 3: The Big Picture: Putting Microsoft Power BI and R together
Delegates will have different degrees of experience with different tools, so it is important to paint broad brush strokes to show off the technology working together. We will look at the following technologies in an end-to-end environment:
Power Pivot
Power Query
Power View
Module 4: Further Data Visualisations 
Learn about visualisations in accordance to theory and practice put forward by gurus such as Stephen Few and Edward Tufte. We will cover the complexities of displaying multivariate data since is potentially more complex by visualisations. 
Module 5: Putting it all together - Dashboards
We will look at creating dashboards in Power View and Excel.To summarise, this precon aims to deliver a breadth of data visualisation knowledge, underpinned by cognitive psychology theory to provide deeper understanding of data visualisation, translated into Microsoft Power BI functionality.

Learning Objectives

Previous Experience

Tech Covered

BI, Power BI, R