Why we chose to have a creche at SQLBits

A parent and child at childcare (Creche) playing in a rocket with building blocks

If you didn’t know, this year we had a creche at SQLBits – and it was a great success.

You might be thinking, why did we need to have childcare at Bits? Let me tell you.

We want to accommodate the parents. The single parents. The parents who can’t afford a babysitter for a week away. Perhaps the parents who just don’t want to leave the little’uns behind! Well, this year SQLBits gave you the chance to bring along the kids so you can still come along and advance your career, learn, and socialize without the barrier of sorting out childcare.

Primary caretakers of dependent children face inequitable hurdles to fully attending and participating in conference activities because of responsibilities related to pregnancy, breastfeeding, and caretaking, and we don’t want that to be a problem at SQLBits.

a child reading a book with an adult

We wouldn’t want you to miss out on this…

We had a wonderful volunteer attend SQLBits this year with their child. As the kid spent all day playing with toys and watching the trains out the windows, this gave the parents a chance to attend SQLBits with their full undivided attention as they knew their child was safe and sound and having a blast!

Not only is a creche useful for your learning, but it gives your child the chance to increase their own independence and confidence as well as allowing them to learn their own new skills.


We are going to keep the creche around, so keep that in mind if you are thinking about attending SQLBits next year.

If you have any questions about the creche – please email us at contactus@sqlbits.com